Takedown Policy

LivingSocial hosts a website advertising the products and services of different merchants and the material that is available on our website is provided to us by or on behalf of those merchants. In making that material available online, LivingSocial acts in good faith.

We recognise that from time to time material published online may be in breach of a third party's intellectual property rights including copyright, design rights, or trade marks.

If you are concerned that you have found material on our website for which you believe infringes your intellectual property rights, please contact us in writing using the contact details below with the following information:

  1. Your contact details (full name, postal address, telephone contact number, email address).
  2. The exact and full URL where you found the material.
  3. The full details of the material - describe the protected material in as much detail as possible so that the specific content and format may be readily identified. Specify exactly the extent of use (e.g. by quoting text that has been reproduced or by using this image (and sending us a copy of the image)).
  4. Proof that you are the rights holder or their authorised representative (e.g. provide us with details of any registrations).

Please provide as much information as possible so that your complaint can be properly investigated.

Please note that contacting us by other means or not providing us with sufficient information to be able to identify the material that you are complaining about or to verify that you are a rights holder, is likely to delay the procedure set out below.

Our contact details:

By email:

By post:


Please include 'FAO: Notice and Takedown' in the subject line.

FAO: Notice and Takedown

LivingSocial Ltd

Pentagon House

Sir Frank Whittle Road


DE21 4XA


It is the policy of LivingSocial to immediately suspend the content that is subject to a valid complaint while that complaint is investigated.

Upon receipt of notification, the Takedown Policy procedure is then invoked as follows:

  1. LivingSocial will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by email or letter within two working days of receipt and will make an initial assessment of the complaint.
  2. Upon receipt of a valid complaint the material will be temporarily removed from the website, pending investigation.
  3. LivingSocial will contact the merchant who provided the material, if relevant. The merchant will be notified that the material is subject to a complaint, under what grounds and will be encouraged to address the complaints concerned.
  4. LivingSocial tries to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably and the satisfaction of all parties with the following possible outcomes:
    1. The material is reinstated onto the website unchanged.
    2. The material is reinstated onto the website with changes.
    3. The material is permanently removed from the website.
  5. You will be notified of the outcome of the investigation as soon as reasonably possible.